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Within every organization, people are looking for a powerful strategy to attract customers, build brand loyalty and increase profitability. Creating a 360-degree customer view is certainly one of them. With additional business intelligence and insight into your customers, you can make a difference.

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Find with Lead online the information you’re looking for

When creating a 360 customer view, Lead online is a valuable tool for accurately finding the information that matters to you. Lead online can be used both to build a prospect list and to enrich your customer database. With the search technique, we perform a search based on keywords. These keywords are entirely up to you. The NextBI company database of 3.6 million companies, legal entities and organizations in the Netherlands provides a reliable starting point for gathering the additional information to further qualify your data. We search websites, web shops and social media and make sure you have a clear picture of your most promising B2B target group.

Applicability additional business information

With additional business intelligence through Lead online, you can conduct several valuable activities to improve your business and strengthen your competitive position. Some key features include:

      1. Market Research: Additional company information can be used for in-depth market research. By learning more about market trends, competition, customer needs and demographics, you can make strategic decisions that will help your business grow.
      2. Audience segmentation: With additional company information, you can better understand and segment your target audience. By knowing what types of customers you serve and what their needs and preferences are, you can create more targeted marketing campaigns and develop products or services that better meet their needs.
      3. Competitive Analysis: Additional company information can help you better understand your competitors. By gathering information about their products, marketing strategies and customers, you can gain insights that can help you improve your own strategies and strengthen your competitive position.
      4. Customer relationship management: By learning more about your customers, you can take a more personalized approach and increase customer satisfaction. Additional company information can help build strong and long-term relationships with your customers.
      5. Innovation: Additional company information can serve as inspiration for innovation. By keeping a close eye on the market and your customers’ needs, you can develop new products, services or business models that add value and set you apart from the competition.

    In addition, Lead online provides valuable content marketing support by identifying relevant topics and trending keywords, allowing you to develop high-quality content that matches your target audience’s interests.

      Some popular examples of company information collected


            • When a company moves, a change automatically follows in NextBI’s company database and then in our clients’ files. But for many organizations, it actually adds value to know in advance which companies will be moving. With Lead online, this is possible and you can propose to companies within your target audience who are planning to move at the right time!
            • With Lead online, it is also possible to search for certain events or terms on company websites and social media channels. Consider, for example, a trade show participation or topics such as sustainability, C2C or CSR. interesting to you? Certain certifications mentioned on a site can also be tracked using Lead online.
            • Lead online also finds leads based on technical aspects of a website, for example. Consider certain security modules, use of Google products or links to various Marketing Automation platforms.

      Want to learn more about Lead online? Contact us

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