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Email marketing as powerful as ever

Since the introduction of the AVG, email marketing is as powerful as ever. Email open rates have remained the same. Indeed, according to the DDMA National Email Benchmark 2019 its average click rates even improved. This Benchmark from DDMA offers insight into what makes email campaigns more effective. For the study, 4.2 billion emails and 167,000 campaigns sent by nearly 3,000 companies were analyzed.

Click and open rates have remained stable or even increased this year

Diana Janssen, director of DDMA: “The arrival of the AVG meant that 2018 was an eventful and intensive year for many organizations. Administering opt-ins caused many companies headaches. Despite this, average click and open rates remained stable or even increased this year. Something we can be proud of as a Dutch industry. This research shows that e-mail is and remains an effective and important channel to communicate with customers and generate real engagement.”

4 tips for email marketing following conclusions of the DDMA National Email Benchmark

#Tip 1 Make your campaigns specific

It seems that specific campaigns (better tailored to their audience and more relevant to the reader) have an open rate that is 10% higher. Campaigns of up to 5,000 emails are the most common at 35%. The more general the campaigns are, the lower the average open and click rates.

#Tip 2 Don’t send emailings too often

Organizations that send 1 to 10 campaigns per year have the best open and click rates. The average number of campaigns sent per company fell sharply from 63 to 50 campaigns per year.

#Tip 3 Think carefully about timing

Emails are most frequently opened in the afternoon (around 4 p.m.) while most emailings are sent in the morning.

#Tip 4 Use responsive design and dynamic content

A personalized subject line increases the open rate by 10% on average, and campaigns with dynamic content are opened 14% more on mobile.

Mobile more popular outside office hours

Email campaigns sent outside business hours are more likely to be opened on a mobile. On weekdays, most emails on a mobile are opened in the evening hours between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. (48%). On weekends, the number of opens peaks in the morning between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. (52%).

Buy opt-in email addresses?

If you want to send an e-mailing with a commercial message to organizations that are not yet customers of yours, you need prior permission, or an opt-in. A valid consent must be “free,” “specific,” and “informed.
‘Free’ means that the recipient has a free choice and has to activate a checkmark himself. Thus, the check mark must not be pre-filled. ‘Specific’ means that it must be clear what the recipient is consenting to. ‘Informed’ means that the recipient has been adequately informed about what they are consenting to. You must be able to prove consent by opt-in. Quite a hassle, especially when large numbers are involved. Therefore, it is good to know that there are also files of opt-in email addresses for partner mailings. Note that the emailing should then always be sent by the file owner. As a user of these e-mail addresses, you need to provide an HTML page and a subject line based on which the file owner sends the e-mailing at the agreed upon time. In addition, you will receive comprehensive reports afterwards presenting the results of the emailing including number of emails sent, number of “opens” and number of “clicks” per link.

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